I know

by MyMuffledScreams   Jan 6, 2005

I know we fight
Sometimes it takes up our whole night
When we fight we scream, yell
And we know it feels like hell

But when the fire turns to a low
I always know You will be there to hold me when I cry
And my shoulder is where you lye

You say, I want to die in your arms
Because thats where there is no harm

So next time we fight yell and Scream
We need to know its not what it seems
Because I love you and I know you love me.
*to Ashleigh*


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  • 20 years ago

    by ashleigh

    baby, i love you so much.. i wouldnt in a million years hurt you again.. you are the love of my life, and no damn fight is gonna change that.. i love your poem, i always do...i love you hunny-- love , ash

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