A bath of blood

by xRachelx   Jan 6, 2005

Shes sits in the bath,
The razor in her hand.
Tears are streaming down her face,
While she tries to understand.

Her life flashes before her eyes,
And the things that she does see.
Make her heart ache with pain and sorrow,
Of the things she cannot be.

The faces in her head,
Are chanting words that are harsh and unkind.
Words that hurt her so very much,
That mentally torture her mind.

She takes a deep breath,
And remembers just the other night.
She was lying in a puddle of blood,
Cowering with fright.

Her daddy hit and beat her,
'Til she was almost dead.
Leaving bruises on her body,
And knife wounds to her head.

Her mummy might of stopped him,
If she hadn't been so drunk.
But instead she joined him in his game,
Of treating her like junk.

She breathes again,
And remembers what she felt that day.
Depression, Distraughtion, Desperation,
Horror and dismay.

She thinks back to what life was like,
When she lived with her dear Nan.
The only person she ever truly loved.
Until that man....

Her shot her down one morning,
Two bullets to the heart.
And when her dearest Nan was gone,
It tore her life apart.

Returning to her abusing family,
Which she'd been ordered not to go back too.
Was just more than a little girl could bare,
Wouldn't it be for you?

Now the bath waters getting cold,
But she pictures the only true friend that she had ever known.
But when he got suddenly ill and died,
She was left all on her own.

So now as she takes the blade out,
Can you begin to understand why?
She put up with too much, you know,
Her only escape, to die...

She puts the cold hard steel,
Close against her wrist.
Her only wish left now,
To cease to exist...

She presses the blade down harder and harder,
Until the bath water is bright red.
She's sorry it has to be this way,
But to be happy, is to be dead.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    Oh wow..such a beautiful poem..so sad...i felt like crying...
    Beautiful poem..well written..good joB..

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Girl

    AMAZING POEM! WOW! keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by Red Charm

    WOW beautiful and great flow with the words

  • 20 years ago

    by creasy

    that was another one of you fabulous poems!! keep it up!!

  • 20 years ago

    by ♥ Rejekted

    i love this poem!