My sunshine

by T   Jan 6, 2005

Walking in the sunny air,
I see your friendly face,
My heart pounds,so full of care,
It's you I will embrace,

I hold your hand and wonder,
Why Gods been so good to me,
To give me love surrendered,
This is the best, that life can be,

You put your arm around me,
To protect me from all harm,
Your wide eyes just sparkle green,
It's to me that you belong,

Every time I kiss you,
my heart skips a beat,
Even just to see you,
Makes me feel complete.

The flowers that you send me,
Each and every year,
Remind me of all our good times,
And all the happiness that we've shared,

So as we stoll down the path,
I glace up into your eyes,
You gently kiss my forehead,
And to no surprise,

You reach down and pick me,
My annual rose,
You say I am your sunshine,
And tap me on the nose,

I'm amazed after all this time,
Though we are gray and old,
You are still there to warm my life,
and my heart to hold.

So a gentle tear rolls down my face,
Because I feel so blessed,
It's you I will embrace,
Until my dying breath.

This poem is a bit rushed, but I hope you liked it......
Comment if you wish......****


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  • 16 years ago

    by Wereallbladesarntwe

    Great poem, very uplifting, well done x P

  • 20 years ago

    by no1important

    Wow this was a great poem. Thanks for the comment. U got a real talent for writing poetry. Keep up the good work. See Ya!

  • 20 years ago

    by olivia

    aww taht was soo beautiful and well wriietn.make sme think of my husbandamazing poem =)