Comments : My Light

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah

    that's a great poem! i can relate to that a whole lot....but i don't dream of marrying him......cause sadly he's taken but i'm happy for him and i'll always be there for him if he needs a shoulder to cry on. =) your poem deserves a big 5! keep up the great work and if you have the time you can take a look at my poems...if you want.

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah

    ahhh.....i'm sooooooooooo sorry! i thought you were talking about a guy. there any way i can delete that and write another comment? probably not but i'm so so so so so so so so so so SORRY!!!!! thanks for telling me and thanks for commenting on my poems.

  • 20 years ago

    by Sarah

    No you should give it to her...I mean other people might not have thought what I thought. If you give it to her than she'll know that you wrote it for her and she wouldn't think it's about a guy. email me ok? we'll talk on there instead of on the comment pages. lol I'm still really sorry though.

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    Ahaha, beautiful work! very expressive and heart-felt... thanks for commenting on one of my poems! ;D 5/5