It's not you it's me

by Broken Angel   Jan 7, 2005

My heart is splitting in two
Stitches and a band-aid wont fix this
My heart is splitting because of you
I wish i could make it all better with something as simple as a kiss

You feel you've failed me
All because the knife slipped on my skin
Theres more to my cutting then the scars you see
All of it comes from deep within

If anything else I've failed you
You've tried your best to help me
You could never fail me i promise it's true
I'm the one who failed don't you see

Please don't get upset or cry
Please don't tell me it's alright
Because it's not and when you say that it is it's all a lie
It's not your fault i had a bad night

I want you to know i love you
Your the only one i can trust i love to know i can
Your the only one who to me has stayed true
Thank you for the helping hand


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  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie84

    I don't like to read poems about cutting, they're just so sad. I don't understand but it was a very good poem. Hope everything is ok for you. Keep it up and take care....

  • 20 years ago

    by Krystle

    Oh my god....I can truly relate to this poem. My friend of...well, I don't know how long, its been so long....she truly believes that its her fault that I cut ...and thank you for giving me the inspiration and words to convince her otherwise. Hang in there, all the best.
    lots of love,
    ~Krystle~ XXX

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