Comments : At My Little Brothers' Grave

  • 20 years ago

    by Hailey

    That Was Touching...And So True..Teasing Can Kill..I Hope In Your Case This Poem Isnt True And Like Everyone On this Site Says..If It Is,Im Deeply Sorry..Well Excellen Writting..Theres Alot Of Talent There..Love Hailey

  • 20 years ago

    by ElegantlyWasted

    Heart-felt poem girl. Bullying and horrible put downs can wreck a person. Cheers for the comments, they mean alot. Wonderful!
    Take care always,


  • 20 years ago

    by Marques Sawyer

    i fell ur pain a very sad poem but keep ya head up

    gave u a 5/5 do u have aim or yahoo instant messenger

  • 20 years ago

    by brandy

    omg that was so moving and emotional you captured how much your brother meant and how bullying pushed him to it. excellent. and thanx for the comment.

  • 20 years ago

    by Matthew Lee

    Gosh that's a very heart felt poem. It's really painful reading it. I'm not sure if its true but if so i'm soo sorry. I've lost friends but not a brother or sister. So i may and may not know the pain. But this is truely a good poem. Tears came down my eyes.

  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Words can not express what I feel right now.. I'm in tears..I have not lost somebody that close to me as you did your brother but you know what I'm sure if your brother knew how much pain it would cause everybody he would not want you to hurt..He is in a far better and safer place then earth you should actually be happy for him;..He;s with God now and he'll be much happier there..He can wait for you Maybeth up in heaven until the day comes for you to be gone..until then keep your head high girl..dry those tears of yours I'm sure you brother hates seeing your family cry from above! I know how much it hurts girl and yes sometimes you cant help but cry but I'm telling you what...what goes up must come down and every one of those boys who said something to your brother and caused him death will be bitten in the @$$ by karma girl!! I love you like a sis maybeth and I am here for you whenever you need my confort!!! Great poem tho I loved the message and how you just poured your feelings into it!! Be strong!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    i am so sorry i havent been there to check out your every new poem but i am so glad i didnt let this one escape my i begin to cry when i read this...i am so so so sorry for everything...i am sure it will make ur brother very happy for you to spread the word on teasing and bullying...may God bless you Maybeth!!! <3 Heather

  • 20 years ago

    by my blue eyes cry

    hey thanks for the commet im so sry about your brother, i also lost a loved one this year, but it was in a wreck. Your poem is beautiful and i love it. this is the 1st poem i've read of yours but it is awesoem an dim gonna go read some more. thatnks again.

    love brittany

  • 20 years ago


    im sorry for your brother,its very touching poem

  • 20 years ago

    by Krystle

    I love this one, girl. Very powerful, and I'm sorry for your brother...very sorry. Thanks for the comment, stay strong!
    lots of love,
    ~Krystle~ XXX

  • 20 years ago

    by Jessy

    Oh that is so sad:'(

  • 20 years ago

    by yo yo yo

    OMG babe its really good im really sorry about your brother.. i cant imagin what you went through.. and your right ppl shouldnt judge.. i loved the poem i almost had tears.. keep up the good work ur a great writer...


  • 20 years ago

    by Mustardhart

    This is so touching. May. Great work!! I am sorry about nyour kid brother. So sad what we do to each other in the name of having fun. You have made worth while points for all to get the message

  • 20 years ago

    by ღ.:Krissy:.ღ

    That was amazing Maybeth. I luved it so much. Keep writing, your awesome!


  • 20 years ago

    by Oobie

    hey thinks for your comments........
    this poem is so sad its really good.



  • 20 years ago

    by Daniel Goding

    wow, that was very powerful and touching, great poem yet a tragic story...

  • 20 years ago

    by Minkus

    My heart broke
    It completely broke in half
    I love him so much
    I miss hearing his voice of sweet honey, and his beautiful laugh

    I loved that part... 5 for sure.

  • 20 years ago

    by Robyn Park

    A very sweet and sad poem with a good message. You expressed yourself very well in it. A good lesson to be learned, just sad some people have to learn it that way. Anyway, well written and a nice read. Keep it up.

  • 20 years ago

    by Elyssa

    AWSOME!!!! I loved it.... very very touching!!!!!! It made me tearie eyes! keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsi

    I am so sorry for what happened!! I know you probably get that a lot, but I am truly sorry. I hope you are doing better!! Great job!! 5/5 Keep writin!!