The Darkness

by Alex D   Jan 7, 2005

*i wrote this 2 years ago one of my first poems so its not very umm good but ill post it anyway*

In darkness I hide
In darkness I stay
In darkness reside
'Til pain goes away

In darkness I wait
For old hurts to mend
When suffering abates
Then sorrow can end

The darkness, a mask
To keep horrors concealed
Where none would dare ask
That the truth be revealed

In darkness of hell
With the terrors of night
In darkness I dwell
Undeserving of light

In darkness, relief
No more pretending
No more fake beliefs
No false happy endings

In darkness no lies
That good always wins
That evil will die
That God forgives sins

A soul nearly broken
In darkness, unhealing
A heart almost frozen
In darkness unfeeling

In darkness no other
Can watch as I cry
So in darkness I suffer
And in darkness I die.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    For one of your first poems I'd say this is absolutely stunning. It had a very great flow. I read through it so quick I didn't realize it ended! lol. The word choice was very good... And the concept was amazing. Your opening stanza was the best part of this poem, although the whole thing was beautifully written, the opening caught me and dragged me in. Exactly what the first stanza of ANY poem should do. Very great write! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Quinn Specht

    Very Good, I enjoyed reading this...very deep also.

  • 19 years ago

    by Alex D

    Yeah it was my birthday man i gotta start writing again havent been on this site in forever its been a while since ive written anything i doubt ill ever live up to this poem again though none of my other ones are this good :\

  • 19 years ago

    by Keisha

    boi dats GOOD!!!!
    write more.... and thanx 4 commentin me.

  • 19 years ago

    by LeXi

    congrats! u just made my favorits list! i love it! keep it up! xoxo LeXi ( oh, and if u get a chance it would b awesome if u could read and comment on some of my poems. thnx! )