Comments : WHO WILL CRY?

  • 20 years ago

    by Monique

    Amazing. Simply amazing.

    I feel terribly depressed too. Don't worry, soon you'l be old enough to be out on your own; your own place, life, and new good memories. That's what keeps me going....

  • 20 years ago

    by Dina

    that was reallly awesome. and dont worry. I know how it is to be depressed...but just think..that quote that i'm sure you heard of that says sumthing like 'for every moment of happiness there will be 10 moments of sadness' well if u want the happiness again u have 2 be strong and live thru the sad'll definitely be worth it :) until then just try and put a smile on

  • 20 years ago

    by ?

    That was an excelent poem! Please stay in this world, even if its just to write more great poems. take care and keep writing x
    p.s. thanx for the comment on my poem

  • 20 years ago

    by Sw33ti3

    very very awesome poem..i loved it lots and i can so relate to it=)ur an awesome writer..keep it up...and by the way,thx for ur comment on my poem..means a lot to me=)

    *XoX Sw33ti3*

  • 20 years ago

    by Lushed

    there was a lot of feeling in this poem. it was wonderful!!

    your rhyme scheme was amazing!!!

    i loved it!! please keep me updated on new poems!!

    Love jenny

  • 20 years ago

    by Drugs && Hugs

    thanx for commenting on my poem and urs is really good ... i really like the idea that no one will cry.... i feel like that alot! 5/5 good job