Cold steel

by wayne t   Jan 8, 2005

Cold steel

Have you ever felt a saber's cold steel
as it enters your chest to tear the heart,
Blood is flowing freely from the ragged tear,
Knowing this wound will never really heal,
Upon asking what doth make a wound as this,

Tis only love when it leaves your wretched soul,
Cruel as the saber's steel, the eyes of hate,
Thrust from one who has sealed your fate,
Lover, soul mate, she whom has cast the blow,

Passion, sensuality, caring, love oozing out the hole,
Left from the blows of cold lifeless blades of steel,
Aha, but stop the bleeding, grab the pieces of the heart,
Wounded, fore lorn, barely alive, you have a spirit that survived,

Your soul was tarnished, but the spirit was pure and true,
And heart held jagged in hands dripping blood of old wounds,
Look around O friend, shall find a spirit to absorb your soul,
One who will stop the flow of life blood from a heart never too old,

Two spirits become entrusted to fight, A shield raised fending all blows,
The past, present, and future fear not and fly combined as one,
Cold steel does not, cannot penetrate the spirit of new found love.


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