by tasha   Jan 8, 2005

The war is now over
all is said and done
but a new battle a new fight
has now begun
but it isn't a fight with you
its something worst than that
its a fight with myself
I'm sick of all my crap
I'm sick of lying to myself
I'm sick of saying I'm alright
I'm sick of unshed tears
I'm sick of this stupid fight
i wish that i was never born
then this battle wouldn't have started
who would have ever guessed
id leave myself broken hearted
I'm sick of thinking that Ive stopped
because I'm sorry it isn't true
I'm sick of always thinking
that i am over you
i still want you in my heart but never in my head
and now the battle has begun
i am seeing red
from the blood drips on the floor
that have come from from my wrist
when did it all get to much
when did the fight turn into this
and now I'm truly wounded
and feel the need to die
the battles done the wars not won
and to myself i still lie


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