Barricades Of Darkness

by Nici   Jan 8, 2005

I sat and watched the sun go by
My window every hour
It glistened through the lighted pane
And faded into shadows

For days and years it shone on through
Lighting the room I sat in
Then it faded away and night awoke
Forming a barricade of darkness

This barricade of darkness
Overwhelmed my room at once
It sat and smiled smugly
As I cowered towards the light

The light was soon to vanish
Permanently destroyed
Now I see no sunlight
Just a darkness with no end

The darkness brought depression
That soon set its self in stone
I hungered for the sunshine
A light to call my own

One day I saw a crack of light
Peeping through the window’s glass
A moment of madness I thought
And carried on in darkness

The light it formed a picture
One only I could see
A picture, face of a person
Looking rather familiar to me

The face it seemed to resemble
A friend who I’d once knew
The darkness forced me to forget
But they had never forgotten me

This friend, her image grew
Stronger still everyday
Her light crept slowly back
The darkness began to fade

Now I see some sunshine
Thanks to my friend so dear
Who never walked away
Instead helped me fight my fear

Of course I’ll still have darkness
But now I have a light
A purpose to believe in
Something, someone that feels right


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago


    great poem...twas very good.

  • 20 years ago

    by Michelle

    loved it...wonderful the power of friendship and someone believing in us isn't it?? great work..Michelle

  • 20 years ago

    by latin girl

    Awesome poem