Today I send a Thank You, a Thank You From my heart.
To let you know I'm grateful, the questions where to start?
How to let you know what you mean to me,
Without going overboard, using words extreme.
Sometimes I seem to struggle to keep on the right track,
But you're always there beside me, ready to help me back.
For everything you do, and everything you say,
The smallest little things that brighten up my day.
If only you could realise how much you help me cope,
With all my daily problems, giving me some hope.
For all of this I Thank You and only hope one day,
I can follow in your footsteps; finding a way to repay,
Your kindness and your wishes that you have shown to me,
Making me feel wanted, almost normal and happy.
*Dedicated to JO
PS This poem has just been published in a national book.