When Did You Stop Loving Me?

by My Obsεssion   Jan 9, 2005

*written for a friend*

When did the I love you’s become hollow
Without any resonating sound?
When did you stop caring
If I was or wasn’t around?

When did our loving habits
Become just another routine?
When did our love become staged
And our moments of intimacy all a scene?

When did my touch to you
Become so icy cold?
When did you regret this all?
Wish things were again like that of old

When did my emotions become
Nothing more than a silly game?
Why can’t we be us again?
Because it’s driving me insane

My parents tell me to forget about you
Make sure all traces of you in my life are clear
My head is telling me it’s over, it’s time to move on
But if only my heart could hear

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder
But I believe that’s the last thing you had in mind
You’re all that I can see, you’re everywhere I go
Now that we’re no longer together I'd rather be blind

Your presence plagues my thoughts
Your image haunts me memory
You once kept all peace within my world
But now you destroy all of its serenity

I may no longer be with you
But you’re with me everyplace
I can feel your touch, taste your breath
And always see your face

You once gave meaning to everything I did
Your love turned my existence into a reality
Why can’t you see that without you I’m slowly dying
That you’re the only one that can breathe life into me

I don’t know how I could have missed it
Maybe I was just too blinded by my love to see
So now that I do, I’m asking, I have to know
When did you stop loving me?

**I've had some pretty bad writer's block lately and been so busy with volleyball so I haven't had either the time or the inspiration to write much of anything. Even now I don't think this is the best but still...constructive criticism always welcome**


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  • 20 years ago

    by Tainted Butterfly

    I could really relate to this poem..and for that I give you a 5/5. :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Timothy r

    of course I meant Olympics....ughh@ my typing skills..lol.

  • 20 years ago

    by Timothy r

    Volleyball, schmollyball!! you should just keep writing my girl,,you are an inspiration to poets like me who love reading "real" poems, not made up ones. I love your writing so much, and good luck with the volleyball, I was just kidding. If you as good at volleyball as you are poem writing, Ill see yo uin 2008 at the olypics. Love, Tim