Good-bye my friend

by kalakilanta   Jan 9, 2005

I had a friend....
she always seemed
happy and cheerful
but she had a dream

Her dream was more of a wish
she didn't tell her friends
she cut at night
and didn't tell until the end

one night she called
she was crying
she kept saying
she was dieing

I didn't understand
so I hung up the phone
Grabbed my jacket
and ran to her home

I opened the door
I saw her there
bleeding on the floor
It was everywhere

It was to much
she shouldn't stand
she saw me and reached..
she reached for my hand

A tear falls down my face
And I look in her eyes
the I understood
I watched her as she dies

I couldn't help her
Not at all
I tried though
I tried to call

After her death
I would sit in my room
Always wishing
For my doom

I took her habit
I made it mine
Yet I'm like her
they all think I'm fine

I realized whats been happening
I now see the pain within
Everyone keeps thinking
Cutting is a sin

It's not a sin
And never will be
They don't know the pain
I guess they didn't know me

I cut from your pain
To hide my own
I see the vain
And pick up the phone

I call my friend
She picks it up
I say this is the end
She thought I was tough
but in the end
she found out
What was going on
What "this is the end"
Was all about.


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  • 20 years ago

    by XxlydiaxX

    hey its gr8 , i like how u put u as killing ya self as well makes it dramatic , i fink a lot of emotion went into dis , gee do i sound bit like a teacher !!! ny way im given ya 5 coz u deserve it hon , luv lidxxXxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Missunderstood_Angel

    Hey this poem i sreally really said but i like it but ima go so check me out-love always Shanna Irene-

  • 20 years ago

    by kalakilanta

    I am sorry its not very good but this is kind of what happened to me my friend killed her self and I was there so I wrote about it and changed it so that I do asell.