Comments : Assault

  • 20 years ago

    by Hayley

    hey this poem is true its to this girl who keeps calling me a s-lut bcuz of what my ex did to me. no one believes me when i tell them that i didnt want it...they all think i begged him for its to my ex and the girl who wont believe me...

  • 20 years ago

    by *tears*

    Well done....Although I am very sorry that this happened to you, it was a very well done poem. People can be such A** holes. They have no write to call you names just cause of your ex did this to you and he is "Popular". People can be so cruel and ignorant....they make me soo mad!!! Try and hang in there, you are strong!!! I can tell from how you told, it mustv'e took a lot of courage, I know. Oh and thanks for explaining what the last line on Rain's poem "A deadly fate" I was sorta having an off day...LOL. SO try and hang in there, and maybe tell that girl to F off!!! LOL.. Take care
    Oh Do you like Linkin Park? I was listening to one of there songs that just seemed to fit with something like this. And sorry for such a long note.

  • 20 years ago

    by Hayley

    yah i like linkin park what song?thanks for the comment

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebekah

    wow that was soo great! u are a great writter!!! keep it up!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by N8

    hey I'm sry if this really did happen to you no one deserves that especially not u!! u seem like a pretty cool, deep, sad chick I wish could cheer ya up!! I hate seein any one sad but chicks especially!! I'm sry tho great poem tho def a 5 anyone who votes lower is crazy
    luv ya

  • 20 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    Is this a true storry??? Well, I can honestly say that i know how it feels!!! I was raped once and I knew him too!!! Its something that you will never forget, they don't know that they ruin your life.....And I hate him for it!!! I'm sorry it happened to you, hope that you are okay!!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Hayley

    yah its true, it sucks. i'm sorry you had to go through it too. thanks for the comment