The Butterfly

by Michelle   Jan 9, 2005

I was strolling through an english garden
When I spotted a caccoon
Neatly tucked inside I knew
A butterfly just waiting to bloom.
It didn't look like much just then
But as the days went by
I knew that something was happening there,
And it caught my eye.
So one rainy afternoon as I was passing by again
I stopped and hesitated
And as I watched, just then...
The cacoon broke open and revealed a beautiful sight
A multi-colored butterfly ready to take flight.
It glided among the leaves and trees
It didn't touch the ground
This gorgeous creature swooping and soaring
Making not one sound.
I'd like to be like that butterfly
And come bursting from my shell
To reveal the me that I don\'t let
Anyone know very well.
I'd like to have that freedom
To dip and dive and soar
And not be burdened with struggles
Held inside anymore.
Maybe one day someone will pass me by
And stop to have another look
And then I'll too, come bursting forth
My heart an open book.

Hi all..I used to write under a name..Amber Rose a long time ago so thought I would repost this under my name, I actually liked this describes how I used to feel..until I met the love of my life on this site..we get married March 26th!!! and heart IS an open book..thx for reading..Michelle


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  • 20 years ago

    by Tainted Butterfly

    I loved this! great poem!

  • 20 years ago

    by SweetDreamer

    oh sorry! lol, i forgot to wish u luck on your wedding, I hope everything goes great for you and your future husband.

  • 20 years ago

    by SweetDreamer

    It was a fantastic poem! It was so nice to read and I can relate so much, because that really how I feel. Nice work. if you have time, vote or comment on some of mine, thx!

  • 20 years ago

    by Lydia O

    This was a truly delightful poem. I loved the comparison you drew between the opening of the cocoon and revealing one's inner self.

    All my best wishes go out to you on your forthcoming wedding.

  • 20 years ago

    by Kidpoetry

    Wow....thats kinda funny, i have amber rose as a favorite too....LoL, KEW!! Well, thats really awesome that you and Craig are getting along just as you both always dreamed, and CONGRADS on your wedding date!! WOO!! I wish i could go, i SOOOO would....:-) Well, anywaz, great poem, i loved it, and take care of yourselves, and each other, late!!
    ~Seany!~ Aka Boobies(dont ask, or do, and ill tell you sometime, :P)