Comments : The Butterfly

  • 20 years ago

    by Kidpoetry

    Wow....thats kinda funny, i have amber rose as a favorite too....LoL, KEW!! Well, thats really awesome that you and Craig are getting along just as you both always dreamed, and CONGRADS on your wedding date!! WOO!! I wish i could go, i SOOOO would....:-) Well, anywaz, great poem, i loved it, and take care of yourselves, and each other, late!!
    ~Seany!~ Aka Boobies(dont ask, or do, and ill tell you sometime, :P)

  • 20 years ago

    by Lydia O

    This was a truly delightful poem. I loved the comparison you drew between the opening of the cocoon and revealing one's inner self.

    All my best wishes go out to you on your forthcoming wedding.

  • 20 years ago

    by SweetDreamer

    It was a fantastic poem! It was so nice to read and I can relate so much, because that really how I feel. Nice work. if you have time, vote or comment on some of mine, thx!

  • 20 years ago

    by SweetDreamer

    oh sorry! lol, i forgot to wish u luck on your wedding, I hope everything goes great for you and your future husband.

  • 20 years ago

    by Tainted Butterfly

    I loved this! great poem!