I give up

by *tarrann*briann*   Jan 10, 2005

I give up
i cant take it any more
i like you so much
n you like me
but yet you like other girls to
i don't like that fact
so I'm giving up
I'm going to try really hard to get
over you
so that you can go out with
those other chicks
n talk about them
n everything
i don't think you understand
how much i like you
i like you A LOT
i you didn't know
so i hope after you read this
you don't get mad
but understand
that i cant like you any more
for liking you is hurting me
so I'm sorry to say but
i give up....


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  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    this is pretty good and relateablle (if thats a word lol) 5/5