Upon deaf ears

by John123   Jan 10, 2005

I scream into a deaf ear and hear nothing but silent echos that ripple back to my ears .. causing me to scream .. thus my screams become self-sustaining .. eternal .. and utterly infinite

And I stay here stareing into glazed, blank eyes and screaming into deaf a ear
staring myself down in the mirror


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  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle


    I think your poem is very well expressed. I cannot thank you enough for sharing with me poetry for the Deaf culture.

    I am learning sign language and am enjoying it very much. I want to continue to learn and obtain friends as I learn within the Deaf culture.

    Second of all, Paulette, I don't think you should make any judgments as to Nick's poetry. I am not trying to be rude or anything. I just don't think you should criticize him, when he's doing his best way of expressing himself. That's all that matters. Everyone makes mistakes, even you; so, please do not put him down. It's just not right.

    Yes, he did have a few spelling erros, which indeed is okay. We all make mistakes, even you. He's doing his best and that's all that matters. And, so are you. No one likes to be put down, even you.

    I know you may have been trying to help, but if you were trying to help, then you could have simply, said it in a nicer way.

    Anyway, I wanted to let you know Nick, if I already haven't, that I enjoyed your poem. And, if you need anyone to talk to, I will always be here for you.

    (((((Big Hugs)))))


  • 20 years ago

    by NoPatience

    1st thing... there is no e in staring.
    2nd thing... i think this is a really good poem and i can relate to how u feel
    3rd thing... keep ur head up n keep writting!