Love and Hate

by Tarikins   Jan 10, 2005

I tried to love you but never could
I tried to talk to you but you never understood
You try and get close to me but it only hurts me
I'm bleeding because of you but you just don't see
I lay here thinking about the pain, I lay here crying
You pierced my heart so deeply, now I'm dying

I lost all will to live, the only thing I want is for death to find me
You've hurt me more then anyone ever could, and you don't see
How I'm trying to go on but pain stops in my way
How I try and get you off my mind, but I end up thinking about you everyday
You're haunting me and you know it
You're everywhere to me and I don't like it

You said I was the only one, I now know you were lying
Now haunted by the tears I'm crying
Reminding me of what you did to me
Trapped in a web of lies, I'm not so free
Someone save me from this nightmare
Is anyone there?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Shadowed_Thoughts

    WoW great job i loved it keep it up this poem is great i cant think of much to say..but great job 5/5 stay strong spikey-pookie!