Alive but not living

by Brittany   Jan 10, 2005

I look at my life,
and the way things have come to be.
and i realize I'm no one,
just an outer image for others to see.

sometimes i think to myself,
what if i weren't here?
things would most likely be better,
others would have nothing to fear.

for i would not have to cause such hurt,
that i am aware i cause each day.
my friends and family and those i love,
would be far better off this way.

i wish i could be someone I'm not,
someone who's warm, caring, and giving.
but i know that I'm not and never will be,
so although I'm alive, it's as though I'm not living.

i often dream of a better world,
where people are as happy and pleasant as can be.
but when i look at those who are there,
the only one missing is me.

i have concluded that i am the problem,
the one causing all of this pain.
as long as I'm here everyone will be hurting,
the world will have nothing to gain.

one day i will just disappear,
the world can be happy at last.
for no one will know i even exist,
i have no present, future or past.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Brookeღ

    Good job on the poem I liked it a lot!

  • 20 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    Hey Brittany, this was excellent. I have to say that I have also felt the same way.. I think everyone tends to feel this way every once and awhile, and I'm glad you wrote about it, because I know tons of people can relate to it. Great job! =) And thank you for the comment, I hope you read more of my poems, because I intend to do the same with you. Take care always & God bless!

    <333 Gracie Jo

  • 20 years ago

    by Brittany

    plz comment on this poem:)