Comments : My Cry

  • 20 years ago

    by Rena

    not to good with love poems but i liked it your a very good poem writer.

  • 20 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    Excellent job. I loved your choice of words and the entire flow of the poem. So great! Keep it up! Take care always & God bless!

    <333 Gracie Jo

    PS ~ Welcome to the site! =) I hope you like it here and keep posting poems!

  • 20 years ago

    by bucky

    wow i like how u think ... very beautiful ... i like title too

  • 20 years ago


    Y'know, love poems aren't really my piece of cake, but you did a good job here, as far as I can tell. Don't know why you're rated 4.4, but you obviously deserve higher.

  • 20 years ago

    by Elise

    wow, amazing...great job ! Take care,

  • 20 years ago

    by Leanne

    This is the 2nd poem i have read of yours and its just great... I like this one just as much as the poem you wrote "UNTOUCHED" good job... you could go some where with your poems!!!!!!! your going to be fame!

  • Another wonderful peice you have here. This part was definatly the best:

    You were always a shadow
    a vision but never there
    Your words were all whispers
    never loud enough to hear
    Every moment I stopped
    to gaze into your eyes
    Your emotions still lingered
    hardly feeling my cries

    The whole poem was GREAT. Keep it up! 5/5

    -Cheerfully Cynical-

    P.S. Okay, youve convinced me! You are definatly going on my favorite's list. :]

  • 20 years ago

    by *Sherrie*

    i really enjoy your writting its really good...keep writing your great...~sherrie~

  • 20 years ago

    by bucky

    a good poem but one suggestion and remember this is a just a suggestion you don't have to do it ....
    the line

    Where were you those cold winter nights
    Where were you when my heart was so tight

    well i think it would sound better if it was

    Where were you those cold winter nights
    Where were you when my heart could no longer fight

    but other than that i like it a lot
    escpially this part

    Where were your hands
    when I was falling so hard,

    good job keep writing

  • 19 years ago

    by creasy

    love this poem!! great job!! keep it up!! take care!! *5* :)