From this to that

by tragic   Jan 11, 2005

So much on my mind
But so little time
Too much to get off my chest
Not enough air to catch one single breathe
I need to let it all out
I have too much in me
That I cant stop to shout and pout
I’m so full of doubt
Full of anger
Every other emotion out weighs my happiness
Sometimes I think I might slide
I try to look on the bright side
But it’s so hard to
When the light hides
I lost my dignity
My self worth
My pride
When I was into drugs
I didn’t see it happening
I was blind
To busy enjoying the ride
And the cost was more than my expense
So much was the cost
And everything I lost
And that ride I eventually got bored of
And I started to hate it now I despise it

I was a fool I thought I had nothing
I don’t need more love
I have so many out there that over pour love
And I took everything for granted
Now I am just a soar dove
No more can I fly
At least not for a long time
And for what a stupid little high

But I am out of the vicious cycle
I’m going to become someone
One day I will be someone’s idol
I want to help those in need
Show light to evil seeds
Show mercy to those on speed
Have the starving to feed
Yes nothing but good deeds
This is my pride
I set my past aside
Now I move on to a new beginning
Of no loosing
But only winning
Now that the vicious cycle stopped spinning

No maybe I can move on from whats gone
I still have my Friends Family and my dearest mom
And Now that im free I can help others

No one deserves to go through what I did
Just ask
Don’t be shy kid


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  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    hey Chris, thanks for the comment...don't worry about it all, i miss talking to you too...i don't know i let it go too, i guess!! yeah i have those 2 great guys in my life but i always have room for me good people in my life!!
    N e how...great poem, glad to see you can help others by your own mistake, you are a lot like me, its amazing!! God Bless
    Love Heather.

  • 20 years ago

    by Janine

    great poem babe
    gud to see you can recover...and dun worry ull be a gud idol for anyone
    love janine