Why can't you

by ♥broken fairytales♥   Jan 11, 2005

Every day I go to school,
I see you,
And I want to cry.
I keep it in,
I know it's hard.

Every day I come back home,
And I'm all alone.
I can cry if I want,
But I'm stronger than that.

Every day I go to sleep,
I dream of you,
Of you and me,
This time,
I don't keep it in...
I become weak...
I wipe away the tears falling down my cheek,
But I can't seem to stop...
uncontrollably sobbing,

I just dream of you and me
You and me as one
As happy as can be
But it's only ever a dream
Coz i can never have you
You could never love me in the way I love you

All I want to no is how you really feel about me
But you can never tell me
Is it really that hard
Or is it really that embarrassing
That you keep them locked up inside
It's all i want to know
Your one of the only reasons
That i keep on living

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  • 18 years ago

    by yovanie

    Yo that shit is hot i loved it

  • 20 years ago

    by *~*Soldier Lover*~*

    I hope you don't have to really feel this way. There is no pain like unrequinted love...
    *~*Soldier Lover*~*

  • 20 years ago

    by Alya

    Very nice..I feel your pain

  • 20 years ago

    by *Sherrie*

    this is something...i like it...your a good writer keep up the great work...~sherrie~

  • 20 years ago

    by Unloved ♥

    I loved tisi one..I can so relate to it..

    Unloved ♥

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