-Your going away,
You want me to come,
But I have to stay.
You have to do what's best for you,
I dont want you to go,
Just know that I'll be missing you.
-Know that I love you,
That I still believe your the one,
Dont get me wrong...I know you love me too.
-Maybe in the future I'll be there with you,
You'll never lose my love,
So what's there to lose?
-My biggest frear is that you'll find someone new,
You'll forget about me,
But honestly...I might find someone new too.
-We've never been apart this long,
I hope we can make it last,
I just keep hearing OUR song.
And it makes me think,
It's like I get into this deep trance,
And sometimes I forget to blink.
-Your going away,
You & me want me to come,
But sadly....I have to stay.