A girl in pain

by krystal   Jan 11, 2005

As I look up at the shelf,
I Try to find something to cut myself.
For I am a girl in pain,
Who lives in so much vein,
And I have nothing to gain.

I look around,
To find that there is no hope to be found.
And as I'll stare down,
Like I'm playing my life out of bounds.
For I am a girl in pain.
With nothing to contain,
And it seems so useless to complain.

As I drink my coke,
I realize that there is no hope.
And everyone just says I'm a Gothic mope.
But they don't understand that I am a girl in pain,
Who has nothing to sub stain.

As the years go on,
And time goes by,
The more I want to die.

And as I look into the mirror,
I realize that I have been living in fear.
And that I am no longer a girl in pain.
I am now a woman in pain.
With nothing to gain.

So as I reach up on my shelf,
I grab the razor to cut myself.
But I stop, and I don't slice my wrist,
And I remember when you and I kissed.

Is that what I'm in fear of?
Am I doing this because I don't want you to end our love?
Am I really a woman in pain?
Or do I have something to gain?
And I now know that it's you love that I contain.
Even though I do live in some vein.

I'll put the razor back on the shelf,
And I won't cut myself.

I'm sorry I cut myself,
I'm sorry about the suicide attempts,
I didn't mean to worry you.
But now all I have to say is,
Thank you,
For being there,
And for your love and care.

this is by my bestest friend brandy she not entered on dis website so i entered it 4 her


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  • 20 years ago

    by krystal

    ur welcome :)