Useless Bandaid to a Massive Wound

by Rita   Jan 11, 2005

Her makeup formed a perfect silhouette
against the shallow light
she clawed and screamed at the darkness
and she prayed with all her might

she never even knew
what it felt like to be caught up in herself
people used her like a doll
and when they were done; put her back on a shelf

shed give up everything she had
too make another person's day
shed smile outside and cry inside,
but found it right to do it this way

small scars and cuts on the outside
never compared to what was within
deep gashes, slices and rips
this was the way she knew how to sin.

she found comfort in the little things
flowers would make her swoon
but when it all comes down to it
her life was a useless bandaid to a massive wound

Copyright (C) Rita Bintz 2005


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  • 20 years ago

    by Erica Brown©

    Wow a lot of hidden messages and imagery. Again, nice work.

  • 20 years ago

    by BriAnna

    there's no words to explain this... absolutly amazing doesnt give this justice. thanks for writing it!!5/5