Deep Understanding!!

by Iwuvsierra   Jan 12, 2005

I miss you deeply!
Words can not describe it.
This hole in my heart when your not
there. Sometimes it just eats me
alive, But now I know I don't
have to worry because your there.
Which means that hole can't control me, like you are able to
with your amazing love.
You and love alone is what tells
me everyday that I won't be hurt.
That your always there all the time when i need you.
That I will never have to worry about
pain or anger!!
That feeling I get when I'm with you
Never goes away its always there!
Even when your not!!!!


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  • 19 years ago

    by No1ButMe

    why don't you IM me somtime so we can talk.

  • 20 years ago

    by No1ButMe

    hey nate
    it feels great not to argue. i mean i hated fighting when we were together. but i think me getting help is changing me alot. i felt i just had to write that poem its like my feelings are so strong and i can't part with them. neither do i want to part with them. I don't know it's just wierd. well i'm still not sure what you wished for but i sure would like to know!

    As Always

  • 20 years ago

    by OneLostSoul

    hey I liked your poem alot. I know how you feel. I was in love but he cheated on me. So I picked up cutting to dull my pain in my heart. I made alot of mistakes missing him to much, you don't ever need to take it that far. I'm always here if you need to talk. And just remember your not alone!