It's been just 2 days away from you
Already I am so lost
Got no idea what to do
I want to yell
I want to scream
But what's the point, that won't bring you to my side
Just 48 hours have passed
It feels like months of hard work have gone down the drain
Without you life seems so pointless
You made me stop turning to the knife
But you're not here
I would rather die than spend the next 6 weeks like this
But I'll have to live through this hell so I can see you once again
I want you so bad
I need to feel your body near mine
I want your hand in mine
Look at the scars up my arms
They're so ugly, don't you agree?
You're the one that stopped me from making more
But now I long to feel the metal slide across my skin
Tearing at the flesh
I long to see that crimson relief
I need to rid myself from this pain I feel
I need to find some way to fill this hole inside me
I feel so empty