How I love you

by deepworthlurv   Jan 13, 2005

Spoken words
softly heard
whispers of
how you love
me with all your heart
and this shall be a start
of a new beginning together
shall we share whether
we have fallen tears
with listening ears
reaching out
sharing doubt
but you my dear
how i always fear
that someday i may not
ever have u near
that we'll separate
and i'll cry till late
to ever realize
that i still want to
hold you tight
and be your loving light
till the day we finally depart
to a new world
with a new start


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  • 20 years ago

    by N8

    this is a pretty good poem I like readin it great job

  • 20 years ago

    by tragic

    hey thanx alot for your comment on my apologies poem but now its my turn, this is good sounds like you really like someone and hes a lucky guy too, peace

  • 20 years ago

    by *Miss*Sammy*

    that is sooo cute very very good Miss*Sammy