As i sit and try to hide
i wonder if they know whats going on inside
can they hear the words so close to me
its saving me, setting me free
the voice whispers softly in my ear
persuading me theres nothing to fear
it has my trust
i hold its hand
as it helps me up
i feel something go wrong
the voice is no longer soft
i am no longer strong
its shouting and shouting even threatening me now
as it was picking me up it threw me back down
you are worthless it screams
live in a pathetic dream
to think that anybody cares for you
you are nothing to all
not even something to you
how can you think that youll become something great
when failure is your written fate
oh child so young and naive
you thought you would make it
thought that you would get through
but never did a weak failure like you prove
that they can overcome
and deny what is theirs
for you are a problem
one we have to spare
i cry and i cry as i listen to the screams
they choke me
now i cannot breathe
can these people not see something wrong?
can they not hear this dreaded song
or is that its all in my mind
set out to hurt me
kill me in time
i try to block out these awful words
but they spin through my mind
as by the twisters side
but to reach the eye
i have to penetrate through
the tortuous and murdering walls of this wind
but with hope i shall reach
the calm innermost space
and when i do this voice shall not preach
for as it goes on
i learn its nothing but a voice
and what is that?
except for a noise?
how can i fear that of a sound?
when i cannot touch or even smell
for it cannot hurt me
unless i believe its words so
the more i listen the more i know
it is trying to convince me
i have no cause to live
but that is what makes me feel
as though i should go on
just to prove it wrong
for no one can tell me
to take that of my life
to make me commit
the dreaded suicide