Help me forget

by Paula   Jan 14, 2005

I cant take it no more
I go in my room and slam the door
The yells the screams
There in my dreams
I'm loosing my mind
Why can't my life just rewind
To when I was eight
and life was great
What am I thinking, I'm never going back
Why can't my mind just stay on track
All this hate
It's leading to fate
Why can't this just go away
Go somewhere and just stay
Maby tomorrow will be a better day
Oh thats something that I pray
If there's someone that can make the pain go
Please tell me befor I blow
And do something stupid
That I'll regret
Oh please just help me
Help me forget

-Please comment or vote, means alot -


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  • 20 years ago

    by BaybeBlew

    Your rhymes seem forced.
    'I cant take it no more'
    It should be anymore.
    You used an aabb rhyme scheme...and them at the end you changed it to abcb.
    My opinion...