Unspoken thoughts

by tragic   Jan 14, 2005

Why is everything so messed up?
People are crazy
I say they all just need to rest up
Our world is so corrupt
I feel like my heads going to erupt
Sometimes I just want to self-destruct
I’m on a curse
Why did I have to be put on this god-forsaken earth?
And it only gets worse
I only get hurt
Punished ever since birth
This is why I got all this shit to blurt
This is why I’m one hell of a jerk
Most of you wont even like this cause I cuss
Some of you wonder why I make such a fuss
But you will never know
You will never understand
Why I hate this misery abundant land
But don’t hate me
Hate god Hate my mom
They’re the ones who made me
All this is driving me crazy
I can’t take it
This anger this pain its real
I don’t fake it
But think what you want
I really don’t care
My thoughts are as tangled
Worst than the worst day of bad hair
My emotions are mangled
Life doesn’t know the meaning of fair
No one cares
No ones there
No one that I need
I’ll keep going without anyone to succeed
Life’s a b*itch but I can dream
This is my mentality
One day my dreams will become a reality


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  • 20 years ago

    by TheGayPimp


  • 20 years ago

    by priya

    love ur poem, truly amazing. i feel bad for the way u feel. keep wrting.
    later trueheart

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    hey hun!! i hope you are okay!! it didnt seem so by your poem!! well, if u need me i will be here!! God bless
    Love Heather