Comments : Understood by no one...

  • 20 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Great write hun...i hope you're alright :( Wish I could steal your pain away, and help you find the real you...even if you can't, maybe if this is you...then i love you still, and i'll love you no matter what girl, you're so amazing...I hope things get better for you ya <3 xxxxxxx


  • 20 years ago

    by Priscilla

    OMG!Its like we are one person but split in 2...i feel the exact same way and i have also written a poem like this..its called no one understands me..i havent exactly put it on the web yet but when i do i want you to know i had my own idea that way u wont think i copied u but put kinda different words.well check out some of my other poems!ur was great!keep it up..
    -always priscilla