Our Next Generation

by Tarikins   Jan 14, 2005

Jimmy just wanted to be heard,
Not liked at school not liked at home
Sick of always being alone
Sick of being insulted and all the lying
So he took the pills, now he lays on his floor dying

Christine let people take over her life,
Being pushed around and told what she should do
She listened and ignored the pain as it grew
She decided one night it wasn't worth it and ended her life
Beside her body lay her suicide note along with a bloody knife

Aaron ignored what his heart told him,
Taking drugs just because his friends thought it was cool
Mouthing off to teachers then dropping out of school
But one day he took too much, he didn't know he was dying
But now he sees his mistakes as he looks back to earth to see his family crying

Josh let his father do as he pleased,
Yelling at him and hitting him as hard as he could
He never told anyone even if he knew he should
One day it went a little too far, with the click of a gun
His father shot his own son

Sally just wanted to be happy,
So she ran away from home, her escape
Only led to her horrid rape
He had his pleasure and left her to die
She never got the chance to smile...only to cry

Losing the next generation just as fast as it came
Each child given a life and thrown away just the same


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  • 20 years ago

    by stephyG

    omGG dat was So0o0o goooddd.. mWAzz hunz ur a cutie!! keep up da mad workz LUv StephyG p.s chek out mine if u getta chance xoxoxxo mwa

  • 20 years ago

    by Riot

    thats was awsome..5/5 all the way!!keep on writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by Shadowed_Thoughts

    wow great job its so true to so mant kids these days are not happy with there lives and evrything around them wonderful write keep it up 5/5 keep writting-PookIe