Comments : Weather

  • WOW fantastic poem! its so beautiful and poetic! its a great poem..... enough for me to put you in my favourites but i'll check out some of your other work first. but brilliant work love it a 5 for you!

  • 20 years ago

    by Lovemylove

    hey listen I didn't say that I liked them over there hell my man could go over there and i'm always scared for him,but I was meaning I respect them for giving us our freedom,I don't like bush no more than u do.My opinon he shouldn't have been elected again he has cost this country alot.But I respect them for giving us our lives thats all I was meaning I don't appericate u judgeing me right away there's no way in hell that I could stand back and say that I like the fact that there over there.

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Congrats!! This is soo good! I felt so miserable when I read this, lol, but it's a good thing! Seriously!! I liked how you wrote it. I liked almost everything about it. 5/5!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Shadows Collide

    nice poem, cool use of the weather as a metaphor

  • 19 years ago

    by Unrequited

    simply amazing... there is no other way for me to describe this one!!! yet another reason y u r on my favorites list!