So tired of it all

by ~ChEeKs~   Jan 15, 2005

I'm here in my room with the knife in my hand
I held it hard and griped it good
Just waiting to end my life
So the pain could go away
So i held it high in the sky
So it could come down so fast and hard
Till I hit the floor and the blood started to roll
Then my mom came into the room and said why me and started to scream
She screamed so loud that the neighbors heard her
Now I just lie on the floor in peace and love and right next to me laid and note that read: "it wasn't suppose to happen it just got out of hand all i wanted was for my family to be happy once again so i rather just take my life because when i look down on you i know i will see a smile from you."

let me know what you think
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  • 20 years ago

    by ~ChEeKs~

    thank you for your vote and comment hope to read more of you poems luv cheeks

  • 20 years ago

    by holly

    you are a very good poet keep goin luv hol

  • 20 years ago

    by ~ChEeKs~

    you did good