I gave up on what could had been.
I gave up on what should had been letting it all go. Its impossible i know.
I gave up on hope i knew it would never last.
Gave up on smiling every one knows I'm sad.
Gave up on hurting let the pain bleed through, cut out me heart and give it to you.
Gave up on crying knowing ill see through all your lies.
Gave up on you and me i knew it wasn't meant to be. Your words which i can never for get your face which well stay in my mind till the end of time.
This life I still haven't found something real and true something to stick like glue.
I Gave up on what i thought was true how can some thing so sweet be so blue. In the end ill give up on you knowing that its not what i want to do but its a must if i want to get over what i thought was trust. Ill give up on eternal because its doesn't exist that way ill make it on the list.