
by *tegan   Jan 16, 2005

Cutting for the sake of cutting
just to feel the pain
knowing i've nothing to loose
and nothing more to gain

inside so many feelings
they never are revealed
i hold them down inside of me
my lips they remain sealed

i wish that i could tell someone
but no one seems to care
and every time i look around
no one is ever there

i have tried to tell them
tell them how i feel
but they never take me seriously
to them my feelings are not real

i sit alone and cry at night
just me, myself and i
knowing nothing in life is right
no matter how hard i try

i look into the mirror
and i hate what i see
i see a stupid messed up girl
one that isn't me

i hate what i've been doing
hate looking at the blade
this will become an awful memory
one i will want to fade

i used to be so different
but something in me has changed
something that i cant control
that is making me act strange

i have done such stupid things
things that i regret
but no matter what i try
i cannot forget

ive been rejected by my family
and laughed at by my friends
its like I'm having a big bad dream
one that never ends

how could this happen to me?
could all this shit be true?
will everything turn out alright,
and will i make it through?

the answers to my questions
i may never find
but ill continue searching
searching through my mind

all i know right now is
i really don't belong
all i know right now is
everything is wrong


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  • 20 years ago

    by Krystal Ross

    this is an awesome poem keep up the good work, i hope to read more from you, 5 outa 5 keep in touch