All I Can Think About Is Dying

by ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥   Jan 16, 2005

* I wrote this almost a year ago ... funny how i still feel exactly the same. It may be familiar to some people because I posted it in my old account, but it seems so fitting to how I feel right now.

They tell me to keep me head up
Well I'm here trying
But it's so hard to live
When all i can think about is dying

I know tomorrow
Will be as hard as today
But they're all telling me
That everything will work out okay

I think they're lying
But part of me believes them
Because when I think of how low I was
I don't want to go back there again

People around me offering advice
Telling me they'll be there when I need a friend
Truth is none of them can make this just go away
Nothing can make this pain just end

So they may say they're always there
But when the light goes out at night
And I'm there lying in my bed
It's so hard to believe everything will be alright

Because the nights are the worst
When it's just me and my teddy bear
I feel so very alone
Because there really is nobody there

When my alarm clock rings
I just go back to sleep again
Because I can't face my friends
I'm sorry I just can't face them

I'm sick of putting up my mask
Sick of smiling saying I'm fine
And hearing them laugh and have fun
When I'm so depressed all the time

So many people say it'll be alright
But I don't think any of them believe it
Whenever I'm in bad mood and friends try to help
I can't help snapping telling them to leave it

Because sometimes I get so tired
Of telling people why my eyes are red
Why I have cuts on my arm
And why so many of my poems speak about wanting to be dead

When the truth is
Exactly that, my friend
All I've been searching for
Is an end

Get away from the hate
Get away from the pain
And leave knowing
I won't have to come back here again.

© Copyright Sharon Ardern 2004- 2005


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  • 20 years ago

    by Shalisa

    This poem was really awesome! I can relate to how you feel. Keep writing cause I love your work.

  • 20 years ago

    by Polly

    that is really good. Its exactly how i used to feel. but then i realsied that surely life is better when you are having fun not scared of death, than worrying about it 24/7 and being miserable. take care

  • 20 years ago

    by Kiersten Nicole

    this is really good, i like it! i can really relate.. a/b friends trying to help but not succeeding....good job

  • 20 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    good poem it's really good and i know a couple of people that go throught this stuff so i can kidna relate to it. i am sorry to hear that you feel this way about life. i hope ou feel better soon!

    ~lil slam~ keep on writing

  • 20 years ago

    by Toni

    Ah i remember this poem! SO so so good!! Really hope that things get a bit better for u xxx