Somebody (song)

by Jeri   Jan 16, 2005

At most times in my life
I am happy with what I have

A Great family
And friends like nobody else

but then comes the longing
the feeling of need
to have something I can't have

somebody to love me
and hold me like they care

You know what it's like when you find the perfect guy
that smile those lips, that hair, that body, those eyes
I really want somebody

somebody to kiss me
somebody to hug me
somebody to call me
just to talk to me
somebody to miss me
somebody to love me
somebody to take long walks with me
somebody who's there for me

I watch too many movies
with fairy tale endings

The princess meets the prince,
they fall in love, or so it seems

I guess those films have fooled me into thinking that's how it will end

I see a movie like that
and the longing begins again

You know what it's like when you find the perfect guy
that smile those lips, that hair, that body, those eyes
I really want somebody

somebody to kiss me
somebody to hug me
somebody to call me
just to talk to me
somebody to miss me
somebody to love me
somebody to take long walks with me
somebody who's there for me

S for sexy, a definite must
O for obviously fair and just
M for magically marvelously many
E for enticing and sweet as candy
B for a boy that's romantic at heart
O for not only gorgeous, but smart
D for "Oh yeah, damn, he's fine!"
Y for yearning to make him mine


somebody to kiss me
somebody to hug me
somebody to call me
just to talk to me
somebody to miss me
somebody to love me
somebody to take long walks with me
somebody who's there for me

somebody to kiss me
somebody to hug me
somebody to call me
just to talk to me
somebody to miss me
somebody to love me
somebody to take long walks with me
somebody who's there for me


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