Comments : My brothers Blood

  • 20 years ago

    by Missunderstood_Angel

    Hey whats goin on I LOVE this poem my brother is going off to join the army in june well i am sorry about yours love always shanna irene

  • 20 years ago

    by Missunderstood_Angel

    Hey whats goin on I LOVE this poem my brother is going off to join the army in june well i am sorry about yours love always shanna irene

  • 20 years ago

    by Jubes

    My brother didnt go to war but its from the point of veiw of a girl whos brother did go :) thanks for your feedback!! much appresiated!! All the best to you and your brother!

  • 20 years ago

    by Tanya, Mom of one.

    Excellent poem. I am 30, and my brother is 37, I can't imagine not having him now, much less when I was 17. He has always been the one I look up to. I am very sorry for your loss, and I know that you miss him badly. Your brother died with honor, for his country, and his friend. I am proud of him by just reading this poem, I KNOW you and your family are. My prayers are with you all.

  • 20 years ago

    by jenni

    I got 3 bro's and am xtremely close to all of them. They protect me and look after me so your poem is very true on how caring they are. Glad it isnt true tho. Thanks for commenting on mine huni, and if you read my poem stop it brother please ill tell you now its not true just frm sum1 elses mind that i seemed to enter. keep writing girly!