LiFeTimE oF wAiTinG

by cRiSs   Jan 17, 2005

Why do i feel so alone
i push everyone away
love is a prison
when your in love alone
no one knows
the pain i feel
your the closest thing to perfect
but the farthest thing from me
your like an unreachable star
in the distance i see you
wanting for you to be near
but there's so much in the way
i don't want to lose you
but things seem so hard
i just want to just give up
but something's telling me
to keep up the fight
my head says who gives
but my heart says i do
i don't know what to do next
to make you see
I'm waiting here with open arms
with no one here to embrace
maybe this is just one bad dream
that i will soon awaken from
but until then who knows
this could be reality
but i doubt it
my life is pretty good i must say
but when it rains
it pours
and sometimes
it seems like it'll never stop
but i have hope
that might be the blue skies ahead
but until that day comes
and i find out for sure
there's not much i can do
i don't know how much longer
i can put on a happy face
deep down i know I'll pull through
but how long it will take
it could be a lifetime of waiting


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jason

    Great poem...i like the unreachable star part...i can relate..keep writing!! =)