My kiss of death

by ashleigh   Jan 17, 2005

Pain and misery have been
good friends to me
hell, they wont let me be
cant you see?
what this does to me?

wheres my kiss of death
Ive got nothing left
nothing left

I'm everything that is wrong
and i haven't been around
that long
sixteen years and still running
death is coming from behind
to help me find

my kiss of death
Ive got nothing left
nothing left

what the hell is the sense of living
when i will never be forgiven
and this pain is all I'm given

wheres my kiss of death
Ive got nothing left
nothing left


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  • 19 years ago

    by Miss Kay

    Great poem hun! I liked it! 5/5 =)

  • 20 years ago

    by ashleigh

    hey everyone.. plz vote and comment..thanks! for always//ash