Why have you left me
All stranded alone
I thought you were different
(And now I am hurting)
You were not supposed to abandon me
Your just like the others
My "friends"
& my family
Have all left me
Just like thee
I am cold
Stranded in stone
You have left me all alone
What have I done
To deserve this.
This harsh punishment
Is this what they call life
I cant see whats so great about it
I am always helping others
And yet i get hurt
(I am dying)
Was i supposed to leave them
Just let them rot and die?
I just can't stop
I have to help
Even if I end up alone
At the bottom of the chain
Being picked on
While my flesh is rotting
Piece by piece
Inch by heartless inch
By this small dull blade
On my tombstone
Will be your name
Along with so many others
Written beneath them will be
"And the worst part is
I will never have the chance
To hurt you
The way you hurt me."