
by Bibbitt CSI537   Jan 17, 2005

I have an obsession
not like collecting wreaths
my very odd obsession
has something to do with teeth.

i couldn't date a guy
no matter how hott he might be
i wouldn't be able to kiss him
if he had bad teeth.

now they don't have to be perfect
I'm not that kind of chick
but don't come running up to me
if you need glue to make them stick.

and if i stare don't take it wrong
i don't mean to be rude to you
but to make them look as bad as that
what the f@#% did you have to do?

it's a habit i cant stand
if you have bad teeth don't smirk
just please take this dentists card
he's the best, he does gods work.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by xCezx

    i agree wiv smiggles! lv ya cez xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Bibbitt CSI537

    i know. ive only kissed/had a crush on one guy with bad teeth, though it still hella bothers me

  • 20 years ago

    by Smiggles

    PREACH!!!!!! Guys can be fine, but if they have messed up teeth, that can change a whole LOT!!!! I'm the same way! :)