
by ~iloveantz~   Jan 17, 2005

Keeping these feelingz locked up inside,
The feelingz of hurt and pain,
Don’t want people to no I suffer from depression,
Don’t want to be labelled as insane.
Im scared of what people will think about me,
Scared of what they will say,
Scared they wont believe me,
Scared they will turn & walk away.
I Cant tell any one my problemz,
Why should I any way?
Coz wot happened in the past,
Cannot be erased.
It may be over physically,
But emotionally Im not ok,
Because that night replayz in my head,
Every single day.
I hope that guy is full of guilt,
Because of what he’s done to me,
That one night ruined my WHOLE life,
And now Im never happy =’(.
I’ve forgotten wot my real smilez like,
For I’ve been depressed for so long,
But I’ve finally come to realise,
It was him who was in the wrong.
I tell each of you my storey,
Coz you don’t know who I am,
And I release my pain through poetry,
Because it’s the only way I can.
So ill keep carying on with my life,
Scared of what to do or say,
Scared of what will be found out about me,
Once again depression has its way…

So thankyou to all of the people,
Who have taken the time to comment and vote,
Maby with your help,
One day ill be able to cope.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rebecca Hubble

    Hey, that was really heartfelt, but i feel it could be improved. Why don't u try some 'free style' poetry, it gives u more freedom to express wot u thinking gal. it really helped me recover from... well, lets just say, bad experience. keep smilin, galfwend. xxx love yas

  • 20 years ago

    by nickie

    Great poem keep it up....I give it a *5*!


  • 20 years ago

    by Lanie

    your poem is good. i could feel your pain. if you need advice or anything you can email me at i'm a BS psychology graduate maybe i can be a friend. =)

  • 20 years ago

    by Angelicious1

    Hey wuddup that was real. I really felt it. 5*

    CoMmeNt & RaTe MuH PoEmZ