Comments : DO YOU KNOW???©

  • 20 years ago

    by Lovemylove

    Really sad, i'm sorry you feel that way.Others are so cruel they don't care who they hurt as long as they hurt someone their fine.Again I love ur poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by !¤Lizbeth¤¡

    hey not sure i know EXACTLY how u feel but i used to cut i havent in five months thanks to my awesome friends...and trust me someone out there cares..and its hard to totally stop and it feels like everyone is tryin to invade u but just let them help u trust me in the end ull thank them for it...hope to talk to ya soon...
    ~*StEpHaNiE eLiZaBeTh*~

  • 20 years ago

    by CareBear

    Hey Sweetie!!
    lolz, hopen ur okay nowz
    I lyk ur poemz a lot, u got talent
    I'm just so sorry ur treated lyk dat n u feel lyk dat...
    Although, i do feel lyk dat a lot, i hav friendz who help me, seriously if ya wana talk, im here, n ill b ur friend!! :)
    Alwayz rememba that!! :)
    Luv Carz

  • 19 years ago

    by AmY

    I am so touched! it is very sad poem, I feel sorry 4 u, but everything will be okay, I know these feelings, so just try to be happy. But I like your poem very much, I pronted it and placed it on my folder. so keep it up, you are talented