Suicidal Death Wish

by WhiSperNcUrsIVe   Jan 19, 2005

Slit my wrist
Let me please
I can't take it anymore
I just want to leave

No one loves me
No one cares
No one's helped me
No one's ever there

I'll write my note
No one will see
I'll lock myself in my room
And throw away the key

No one will look for me
No one will see
That they were so cruel
And to blind to see

I want to cut
I'll let the blood flow
I'll close my eyes
I'll just let go

My note will explain
Why I felt the need
And why there's a razor next to my bed
And why I had to bleed

I'll lie in my own blood soaked sheets
With tears staining my face
And my suicidal note in my hand
And I'll be gone without a trace

No one will miss me
So I'll close my eyes tight
Because tonight I'm gone-
Alone in my bed-my suicidal wish will be granted tonight

I just wanted someone to love me
I just wanted a friend
I just wanted to feel special
But I guess it was too much to ask for, so I had to make my end

The world can be so cruel
I just don't understand
Why can't we all be the same?
Why can't we all be friends?

Revealing the secrets behind my scars
Is my note already stained in blood
From all the times I had to bleed
Just because I could

When you see my scars and all the blood
You'll say "Say was to weak to handle life"
And I guess in some ways i was
Because I relied on a knife

I don't like to talk to anyone
Because they can be so cruel
And they like to push me around
That's why I cut at school

I stand in the bathroom
With that knife in my hand
The blood drips on the floor
They wont understand

I'll take this all in my own hands
Until it's all over and done
And everyone can stand above me
And they can finally feel like they've won

Because I am hurting my self more
Putting myself through hell
Because you couldn't help me
And you couldn't tell

And even when you looked in my eyes
You still still didn't know
So don't blame me for what I had to do
I just thought I had to go

So with one last breath
I'll say my final vow
Life was easier yesterday
Than it is now

I don't understand how so many could do this to me
Because it ruined my life
So with my every bit of strength
I'll cut away at my flesh with this knife

Deeper and deeper and deeper I go
I've some to a vein
And the pain is now gone and life is the way I want it
I guess life got too crazy- I couldn't even begin to explain

Just let me go, don't shed a tear
And don't hold on to me tight
Because this was my Suicidal Death Wish
And it was granted tonight!

Brandy 2005 ©


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  • 20 years ago

    by WhiSperNcUrsIVe

    thanks cheerfully cynical i love critcism...i'll work on it and see what happens! thanks guys! that means the world to me!

  • 20 years ago

    by GBAYBEE313

    I loved you're poem I can relate to what you're going through keep up the good work and i hope life get's better and if not death will be peaceful.

  • Kind of long, but definatly worth the read. The rhyming was good, but the rhythem was not so good. Try to make each line about the same length and/o number of syllables. It will make it sound SO much better. Still, a woderful peice. Keep it up and stay strong.
    Take care,
    -Cheerfully Cynical

  • 20 years ago

    by WhiSperNcUrsIVe

    Thank you all for commenting this means so much to me that people like my poems! Thanks!

  • wow this was SO sad very touching great job