Cruel words in fierce voices
Slamming doors echo through the hall
As family photographs in golden frame
Are roughly thrown against the wall
Tears of frustration and hurt
Bitter insults tear at one's heart
Their hopes come crashing down in flames
Pain in this house has become a sacred art
Dirty little secrets brought to the surface
The revelation aimed to cause shame
To inflict torment and suffering on one another
Take turns digging up the past, like its just a game
Screams get louder
Competing to be the loudest heard
Unaware that their sweet, little girl
Hears every single cruel word
Laying awake with her teddy in bed
Drenched in tears and sweat
Memories being created
That she will never be able forget
A glass shatters against her door
Making her heart pound with fright
As the angry screams get louder
She stares desperately out her window, into the night
Her soft whimpers of fear
Are drowned out by the sound
Of another empty beer bottle
Smashing on the ground
She rubs her little curled up fists
Against her red hazel eyes
Trying to wipe away the angry tears
She can't help but cry
Every single tear is filled with hurt
Anger, desperation and pain
And the tears keep flowing
Like the steady patter of rain
She stares up at the bright stars
Twinkling in the moonlit sky
Again she prays to god above
To help her grow wings so away she can fly
Years pass by so quickly
The fights like this one never end
And that little girl's heart is broken
It will never be able to mend
That little girl grows up
Full of hate and pain that controls her mind
And now a self-destructive teenager
Is all you can find
She has no hopes and dreams
They were destroyed so long ago
She never feels the warmth of a hug
No love or compassion does she know
She lives in a nightmare that she calls home
Controlled by hate and fear
Where she continues to cry
A never-ending river of black tears
She'll never get away
That lonely lost little girl will never be free
All those years ago
That little girl was me.